Hey there folks! We were busy checking things out online and came across yet another interesting story. So – here’s another news item we found for the bucket trucks industry!
New Jersey: Prepare for 7-10 Days Without Power Due to Sandy
Atlantic City Weekly We can't send people up in bucket trucks if we have winds 70 miles per hour, too." The heavy winds — up to 70 mph in some areas affected by Sandy — that are predicted, combined with possible flooding, downed trees and power lines could create havoc … |
via bucket trucks – Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFoE3iGc6rPvxMz-UI1rTt6X6Ya_w&url=http://www.atlanticcityweekly.com/news-and-views/features/New-Jersey-Prepare-for-7-10-Days-Without-Power-Due-to-Sandy-176137961.html