Electric crews standy ready in Lincoln – Valley Breeze

Hey there folks! We were busy checking things out online and came across yet another interesting story. So – here’s another news item we found for the bucket trucks industry!

Valley Breeze

Electric crews standy ready in Lincoln
Valley Breeze
As of Monday morning 35 tree clearing bucket trucks from Alabama, Tennesee, and Ohio were parked in the casino lot. The majority of the out-of-town electric utility trucks arrived Sunday evening and were sent to local hotels. Scattered electric outages

via bucket trucks – Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNHtsi5evprjmdTDBxKOF289-fDRUw&url=http://www.valleybreeze.com/2012/10/29/cl/electric-crews-standy-ready-in-lincoln

Andrew Matthews

Hey there's not much to know about me other than I love Bucket Trucks! I've been around them most of my adult life and have a passion to share my knowledge with anybody and everybody who wants to learn about them!